Accomplished Teaching - Reflection #1
As I work in private school I chose to from the CEL 5D+ framework, as that seemed the most impactful and meaningful for a music teacher. All five dimensions of this framework are represented in a music classroom, particularly student engagement, and purpose. One of my strengths from the CEL 5D+ framework is “Curriculum and pedagogy”. My Kod á ly training in the summer has provided a solid pedagogical foundation for me. One area I want to improve upon is “Assessment and Student Learning”. This dimension is difficult to display and engage with in a typical music class, as the pace of instruction doesn’t allow for long drawn out assessments. I want to use more rapid but meaningful assessments to fuel my pedagogical decisions. My Kod á ly background provides a solid base for learning to occur. The Kod á ly method is highly detailed, methodical, and clear. Each grade has a particular ...