
Showing posts from November, 2017

EDTC 6433 Module 4 Resolution

            This week I explored the question of, “ How can I instruct students to become moral, ethical, and responsible digital citizens?”   Through exploring various websites and articles I found a couple of practical and useful ways in which students can interact with how to become an ethical an responsible digital citizen.             As Mike Ribble and Teresa Northern Miller (2013) stated in their article, there are three main components when it comes to respecting yourself and others on the Internet.   These three ideas are digital access, digital etiquette, and digital law.   My focus this week is on etiquette and law.   Specifically I focused on practical ways in which students can have a hands-on experience with digital citizenship.   In the article “3 Ways to Weave Digital Citizenship Into Your Curriculum” by Nicole Kreuger (2014), she ment...

EDTC 6433 Module 3 Resolution

Resolution: Question :   How can I use technology to effectively and efficiently communicate classroom information to parents?             ISTE 3 is focused on demonstrating competency and fluency with digital age tools.   Likewise the standard is concerned with using these tools to collaborate with students and parents alike.    Connecting with parents is a highly valuable and underutilized tool in propelling student growth.   ISTE 3 places a focus on the importance of this task and how we as teachers can utilize technology to accomplish this goal.   One issue related to this standard is how can we communicate with parents without overwhelming them with information. Parents receive plenty of information throughout their day and in order for our information to be effective, the delivery and weight of information needs to be just right.   This week I focused on methods of collaborating...