
Showing posts from June, 2018

EDU 6526 - Reflection (Spring 2018)

The work and focus of this course was under Domain IV:           1. Examine research in improving teaching including the selection, implementation, and evaluation of instructional strategies, and,            2. To facilitate the collection, analysis, and use of classroom-and school-based data to improve instruction. Below are my thoughts, reflections, and main takeaways for how I will move forward on the path to become a better music educator. 1 . Selection, implementation, and evaluation of instructional strategies:           Throughout this course I was exposed to many unique instructional methods, all serving a different purpose or student learning style.  Prior to this course I was closed minded on what does and does not apply to elementary music classes.  However after completing the readings, lectures, and assignments I can firmly say my view on instructional methods has chan...