EDTC 6433 Module 5 Resolution


Which local and global Kodaly communities can I participate in, with the hopes of sharing ideas and engaging in meaningful discourse?

The Kodaly method is my primary pedagogical method when instructing K-5 music education.  After much research I found that there is not a strong internet presence in this community.  Finding ways to stay connected via technological communities are limited.  One of the best resources is Facebook.

One aspect ISTE5 focuses on teachers staying connected through technology and other online resources.  As mentioned in this week's hangout, a connected teacher is utilizing a large handful of resources, all that aid in the connecting the teacher to the broader world of their field or curriculum.  As mentioned in the article "Teaching: Prepare and Connect", the author states teachers "are connected to their students and to professional content, resources and systems that empower them to create, manage, and assess engaging and relevant learning experiences for students both in and out of school."  One of the major downsides of the Kodaly community, is that the community itself is inherently "old-school".  The Kodaly method prides itself on the ability to be implemented without any resources, tools, or technology.  All that is required is the teacher's voice and a tuning fork.  Of the dozens of Kodaly educators that I've met many stay away from technology and keep things "simple". This proves problematic when trying to implement ISTE5.  The online and digital Kodaly community is relatively young and under developed.  Likewise, the community itself is small. 

The most effective tool, by far, in connecting Kodaly instructors is Facebook.  This group has the most teachers engaging in discourse and sharing resources.  No other resource comes close.  As many other people in our cohort (Julia, Gwenn, Hillary) mentioned, Twitter is a valuable tool for educators.  After doing research, Twitter is not highly utilized in the Kodaly community.  The Twitter account with the most followers only had around 1,200 followers.  One of the main accounts hasn't even tweeted since its conception. 

Moving forward I will do my best to utilize technology to stay in the loop and connect with other Kodaly educators.  The Kodaly Facebook group is by far the best resource in staying connected with these educators.   Time will tell if the Kodaly community becomes more engaged with technology, but for now the one and only Facebook group is the most effective and efficient way of staying connected.



(2010). Transforming american education: Learning powered by technology. 


  1. I agree, it should be interesting to see if they embrass technology to support each other.
    Did you look at Twitter to see if there are any other groups out there that you can join to get support or give support?

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. This is an interesting post. I like that you mention the use of technology for support. Which resources have you considered to support you, beyond the ones listed above?


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